Everyone knows that living under constant stress is never good for you! However, sometimes, the chronic stress you are experiencing might emerge in surprising ways, …

14 surprising signs of STRESS that is harming your health!

10 foods that can help you quit smoking
Hello dear readers! After the very exciting news about being a finalist in the Entrepreneur Business of the Year 2019 for the London Borough of …

Summer Skin Care
Summer heralds the start of a more outdoor fun and enjoying the things you love. However, the sun and high temperatures come at a price …

How about a special offer on Botox this Valentines? But, first, a little history of Valentine’s that we all love birds celebrate
Why is Valentine’s day celebrated? The origins of Valentine’s day are murky.We know that the Ancient Romans celebrated the feast of Lupercalia, a Spring Festival, …

First time getting a facial? Here’s what to expect…
What is the point of getting a facial? Think of it this way… You want to keep fit, you want to eat well and let’s …